Center for Humane Technology, AI Dilemma and UBI

How Technology is "Downgrading Humans" (Tristan Harris X Capgemini)

Key insights

The combination of ancient emotions, outdated institutions, and advanced technology requires unprecedented wisdom to guide its power and address the harms caused by attention and surveillance capitalism.

4 months ago

This presentation really says it all. Amazing explanation. Greatly done. Awesome vision that we all humans should work on achieving. It is really needed. Keep it up u guys.



5 months ago (edited)

This is very well constructed and presented. His ability to break down individually the eight issues we must address and work on is absolutely brilliant. Tristan's initial point that electronic technology is tapping into our primordial instincts is so important to recognize. Our prefrontal-cortex, brain activity (developed thru language) is diminishing at an alarming rate. Of course all of these ideas from Tristan were outlined by Canadian Marshall McLuhan 60 years ago (a true genius) but it is people like Tristan and CHT that is bringing all of McLuhan's ideas to light.



1 year ago

Thank you Tristan this is CRITICAL information to mobilize bright people. Just bums me out to see low views and subscriber counts.




3 replies

11 months ago (edited)

Thank you so much for your wisdom and understanding of all of this - I had a feeling all along, couldn't figure out why and now it all makes sense. We need to change the paradigm, along with many other things. I hope technology advances in a more humane-focused way in the future. Currently it doesn't look like it though. I hope we can all come together some day and recognize this dilemma as a whole.


1 year ago

What an absolutely awesome teacher he would make...enhancing young minds in a perfect way



1 year ago

Wonderful talk with lots of ideas to think about and act!



1 year ago

To have humane tech we’re going to need humane economics/economic incentives. Only when it is not profitable to mine human attention will these companies stop popping up and growing at the rates they do.




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1 year ago

Thank you Tristan! This is extremely useful! I just wish I had the power to make this go viral!




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1 year ago

Important content needed to be discussed…globally :)



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1 year ago

This is the most important topic of today's era. I'm trying to create an educational platform for the young to understand these points so they don't toss their lives. Public tech companies will compete for the dollar and with each other for their shareholders. Govt. is in bed with big corporations so policy here isn't a choice... until it must be.



1 year ago

I am crying while my brain is on fire with all that you are offering up. My goal is to get this out to all of my people. I would really appreciate your advice on how to do that? Should we share via email and text instead of social media? I have never shared anything political on my sm for reasons you are outlining here.



1 year ago

I really love your ideas!! Would be possible create a new plataform to share this informations for more people? Even looks contradictory? It is so important!



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1 year ago

Love this, thank you for sharing.




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1 year ago

I'm going to watch this over 5 times before I understand exactly what he's saying.



9 months ago (edited)

This is the best comment by Andrea Laing not about the internet but about meditation practice. "Attention is the highest currency you have, therefore everybody wants your attention, your friends, television, media etc. Including you. including your own ego, wants your own attention, constantly interrupting you from your passion. Therefore you have to bring it back with your meditation and with your breath 100 times a day." :))))) And as Dr. Joe Dispenza says statistically people lose attention 6 times per minute.

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1 reply

1 year ago

I want to share some good ideas about what Abraham HIcks said in her seminars, videos... She said people are several times in a vortex or "state of flow" during the day... When they forget of their identity, their importance, their position, but just focus on their job or hobby, without distractions...They are in that state even without realizing it or forcing it. It's an automatic process. But she said if you want to get in a vortex or flow intentionally.... You have to find something "easy" to get there. Well I was thinking something "easy".... means some easy thought or humble thought or 5-minute exercise, or a 5-minute shower, or making coffee, something that is very easy to think about. Or I think something "easy" maybe be also tuning in what you enjoy doing...Some people enjoy doing 10-minute yoga, some enjoy walking in the forest, some enjoy reading articles or listening to music.. And you feel so much passion, the inspiration that nothing may distract you. Because heavy topics usually distract the mind. Heavy goals also distract the mind and if you want to start some project you have to start with an easy mind and easy thoughts, not with doubtful thoughts or a perfectionistic attitude. Maybe it may help you to implement some easy tools that will not be distracting for people but motivating.

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4 months ago

This is all quite good, but this is essentially asking tech companies to teach the population how to be wise, positive, competent, motivated to commit to virtuous life priorities, etc... but this will not occur until the world solves the problem of fractional reserve banking, which basically depletes innovation and motivation for most people to pursue their "positive/wise" desires partly due to the extractive role (taxes, inflation, land/property confiscation) that governments play in society. they take from the producers/creators/innovators of the world while providing nothing even close to that of equal value in return. And to ask tech companies to take the moral high road would reduce their profits, and if policy were to be implemented to try to ameliorate this fact they would still continue lobbying government politicians to retract, revise, reinstitute regulations that will keep them operating at maximum capacity to earn profit. Governments have a monopoly on violence, fiat currency and property and until that changes then any hopes of altering the moral/ethical interests of these companies is highly unlikely. The wealthy pay each other to stay in business and that is the nature of politics, unless the government pays the tech companies to do the right thing they will continue to do the wrong things.

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8 months ago

with a great deal of respect and appreciation for your work Tristan, paleolithic people are not chimps. hunter-gatherers from the paleolythic era were generally biologically the same as us for 300,000 years and likely the same in terms of cognition for at least 70,000 years. the problem with your analogy, despite the power of imagining chimps with nukes for impact, is that it associates hunter-gatherers who still exist today with chimps. which seems to be accidentally quite racist. just suggesting you consider a different way of framing that point. keep up the awesome work. i consider you and Daniel Schmachtenberger the key thought leaders of our time.

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1 year ago (edited)

The hypothesis that social media worsen narcissism has been falsified (I am learning this for my social psychology course). The study: 'Narcissism over time in Australia and Canada: A cross-temporal meta-analysis.' *One study (conducted prior to 2007 or so) has seen a 2% increase over generations (it's in my textbook 'Social Psychology' by David Myers), but that finding been critized a lot.



9 replies

1 year ago

So what would motivate anyone to create anything like the alternative suggested? What type of a product or service would be created from this. And what would stir anyone to want those products? I see nothing so far. That’s kind of a problem, eh?

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1 year ago

They DO NOT base company activities on SERVING THE USER BUT CORPORATE DATA DRIVEN ADS. you would think listening to critics who see numerous problems would help their model.



4 months ago

Guys reach out to your local authority 5 people down the line you can be in cryptic on a certain device where there is no way that big tech can detect you, no device scanning, no messing with your apps it’s totally big tech free, you have the whole web hassle free, no more notifications, a peaceful life on the web for all your privicy


1 year ago

Brilliant. This sounds like Tristan has been learned some Game B things from Daniel Schmachtenburger...


1 reply

1 year ago

Ironic how people were on their phones while he was giving this presentation.


4 months ago

The actual problem to solve: how will Zuck make at least as much if not more money from this new way. Bc if Zuck could make more $$ off this, it would already be set up.


4 months ago

I would love to see you on Lex Fridmans podcast


1 year ago

Thanks Tristan!


1 year ago (edited)

C'mon, Man. Just be a realistic one! What goes up must come down, since there's no free lunch and no win-win situation for this one. Tech ("comfortness") will always demand for your privacy and rights.


11 replies

1 year ago

It takes a disaster to change things. Technology have the disaster yet to come.


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7 months ago

Le prochain stade d évolution des humains sera le saut Quantique


2 months ago

We're at the end of this system of things. Just read 2 Timothy 3:1-5.