Universal Basic Income 

A Foundation Dedicated to UBI Considerations while
Using Entrepreneurs and Powerful A.I. to Solve Big Problems Caused by A.I.

We Are A Collaborative Project Dedicated to the Study of Artificial Intelligence, Human Disintermediation and UBI or Universal Basic Income (aka Universal Income or Universal Basic Cashflow)

Accepting Experts, Investors, Grants and Entrepreneurs

 "During this unprecedented paradigm, we will need brilliant people to solve the AI and AI robotics problem of human job losses and general human disintermediation. We have used AI and ChatGPT3 to prioritize this website and help humanity."  
- AI Technologist Russell M Wright 

Universal basic income A.I. research is NOT about socialism, nor does it promote a welfare state!

Universal basic income and A.I. is NOT about advertising Socialism and mass handouts, nor is it about amplifying the welfare state or anything so trivial. UBI research needs to be performed by brilliant people. Qualified experts need to use advanced A.I. systems (already available) to predict and model new financial plans that support the ever-growing numbers of people whose jobs and skill sets are likely to be disintermediated. 

An estimated 10,000% increase in A.I. capabilities and technologies will flood every vertical market worldwide in 2023. See Sam Altman's comment on the need for more research below: 

 Minute 12:00 Above: A firm warning from Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI.

"With stronger AI, we will have to think about how we share 'Wealth' in a very different way than we have in the past. The fundamental forces of capitalism and what makes it work break down.

Is it something like a Basic Income or a wealth redistribution? We are trying to study that, and it needs to be explored more.

People have yet to internalize what happens if the cultural playing field shifts this much.

So, they assume that a  'small tweak' on capitalism will work.

If you let yourself think 'science fiction dreamworld' out very far, where you can say - 'ok, AGI, start a new trillion-dollar company.'

And the AGI can be the CEO, it can figure out how to go raise capital, it can do all of the engineering, it can do the marketing, it can do the distribution, and you just typed in ONE command prompt and pushed "ENTER" - and the A.I. went off and did that.

That's weird. How do we live in a world like that?"  

- Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

Major Update 11/22/2023 - after the Open AI Board of Directors Musical Chairs and the firing and rehiring of CEO Sam Altman:

Articles: Universal Basic Income Cometh

Will UBI Solve AI Job Disruption?

Historical Context and Evolution

🌟 UBI has been a pipe dream since the 16th century, first proposed by Thomas Moore in his book "Utopia" in 1516, but has never been properly implemented by any government despite surprisingly successful test runs.

🔍 In the 1960s and 1970s, economists like Bertrand Russell and Major C.H. Douglas proposed versions of basic income to ensure economic security for all citizens, leading to projects like Mincome in Canada.

Implementation Attempts and Challenges

🏛️ President Nixon introduced a form of UBI through the Family Assistance Plan in 1969, but it failed to pass the Senate due to added work requirements, resulting in today's complex welfare verification processes.

🧪 A UBI test run in Speenhamland, England in the 1830s was misrepresented by a 13,000-page report, later debunked as false, with evidence primarily from local elites who viewed the poor negatively.

Modern Experiments and Outcomes

🌍 Recent UBI projects in Kenya and Finland have shown positive outcomes, including increased entrepreneurship, savings, school attendance, mental health, and job stability, challenging traditional assumptions about welfare systems.

Please Follow Julia 's Youtube  Channel

AI, and AGI, is set to replace 100% of human labor in a matter of years. 

This isn't hype, clickbait, or a myth.

This January, 2,700+ AI researchers published an indepth prediction on the full automation of all human labor occurring by 2120.

If we cross-reference that date against the AI breakthroughs happening every week, I believe we can expect full automation in a matter of years and decades, not centuries.

What happens when robotics and AI does every job we as humans used to get paid to do?

A whole new world is born. UBI, or Universal Basic Income, is the concept of a baseline level of income for everyone on earth – made possible because of AI. 

In this video, I explore UBI, the post-labor economy, and make some predictions about when we will see all this happen.

I also give you some critical advice on how to build critical thinking and deeper focus, and avoid the thinking-killer phenomenon known as TikTok brain.

This is an important video to watch. Drop your thoughts in the comments.

Books referenced: Peter Diamandis' Abundance, John Lennox' 2084 

Why Does Ever-Improving Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Inevitably Lead to Human Disintermediation, Job Losses, and Professional Displacement? 

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate specific tasks that are currently done by humans, which could lead to disintermediation in particular jobs and careers. Disintermediation refers to the process of cutting out intermediaries in a supply chain. In the context of jobs and careers, it relates to replacing human workers with technology. This could lead to job loss and professional displacement for some individuals, but it could also lead to new opportunities and innovations. For example, AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing human workers to focus on more creative and strategic work. Additionally, the development and deployment of AI can create new jobs in fields such as data science and machine learning.

Effort 1:  AI Alignment Problem

There are several efforts for which our AI project is seeking both donations and funding to achieve insight using AI and the world's leading experts. AI used by expert-in-the-loop is a powerful way we can help AI emerge safely. The overarching category is The AI Alignment Problem. If we can safeguard against this, we can solve most other issues.

Nominated EITL: Brian Christian

Read More about The AI Alignment Problem and Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve It

David Shapiro - The Control Problem (Alignment Problem)

As the Co-CEO of Exigent AI, David brings a unique combination of expertise in AI, language models, and Cognitive Architecture to the table. His passion lies in leveraging AI and automation to bring about positive global change to humanity. His work focuses on improving the human experience through innovative entertainment and educational experiences. Please see David Shapiro on Linkedin

Effort 2: Universal AI Education

Universal AI education is focused on ensuring that all individuals have access to education and training on AI and its implications so that they can fully participate in developing and using the technology.  

This top-level category would define and solve the problem of the general public's need for hands-on training and knowledge about available AI systems, products, and internet-based technology. This imperative includes institutions like public school systems, universities, public database management, elderly or senior citizen continuing education, and more. For job-related AI education, please see Effort 4: AI Job Displacement and Retraining; Universal AI Education covers a general and broad AI education for everyone and anyone. 

Read More about the Universal AI Education Problems and Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve It

Effort 3: Universal Basic Income Research

Developing a comprehensive UBI implementation plan could be considered a key topic, as it would involve studying the most effective ways to design and implement a UBI program.

Also, read Sam Altman's quote at the top of this page. This category is not about handing out free money to humanity as a compounding welfare problem. The economic issues that must be solved go very deep into the entire monetary system, which is already becoming transformed by rapid AI development. 

Read More about the Universal Basic Income (UBI) Problems and Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve It.  

Effort 4: AI Job Displacement and Retraining 

We must prepare humanity to weather the storm resulting from immense job losses. Nobody's job is ultimately safe, including programmers and software architects. 

With the increasing automation of many jobs, it is essential to ensure that individuals have the skills and resources necessary to adapt to the changing job market.

Read More about the AI Job Displacement Problem and Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve It.  

Effort 5: AI Governance and Ethics

Establishing guidelines and regulations for the development and use of AI is crucial in ensuring that they are used responsibly and ethically.

Some experts suggest that WW 3 has already started in cyberspace, and that it is being fought with AI, Deep Fake social engineering and AI Election Hacking. This category helps define and solve the related problems.

Read More about the AI Governance and Ethics Problem and Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve It.  

Effort 6: AI Privacy and Security 

As AI systems are integrated into more aspects of daily life, it is crucial to ensure that individuals' data is protected and secure.

This top-level problem category will solve the problem of how to carefully prepare the public and private organizations against AI cybersecurity attacks and both non-AI and AI exploits.  This research would be necessary to avoid a global cybersecurity crisis. 

Read More about the AI Cybersecurity and privacy problem and Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve It. 

Effort 7: Explainable and Transparent AI

As more powerful AI systems launch as we speak, consider how to regulate AI's decision-making (algorithmic) functions and (perhaps) have a public database available to the public about how they work in harmony with the Alignment problem. 

This top-level problem category will carefully define and solve the problem of keeping the public informed and empowered on how the AI works and any potential dangers of algorithm misalignments. 

Read More about the Explainable and Transparent AI policy benefits and problems, as well as the Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve them. 

Effort 8: Human-AI Collaboration

As AI systems become more powerful, it is crucial to develop novel ways for humans and AI to work together. 

This top-level problem category will carefully solve the problem of preparing public and private organizations for Human-AI collaboration. This research would be necessary to avoid a global collaboration crisis. As scary as it may sound, programs like Elon Musk's neuro-link are designed to help us augment our speed of interaction with AI interfaces. 

Read More about the Human-AI collaboration benefits and problems, as well as the Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve them. 

Effort 9: AI-Augmented Healthcare

As AI systems are integrated into more aspects of daily life, it is crucial to consider the impact that AI migh have on the medical and healthcare industry individuals' data is protected and secure.

This top-level problem category will carefully define and solve the problem of preparing public and private organizations for AI-augmented Healthcare.  This research would be necessary to avoid a global healthcare crisis. 

Read More about the AI-Augmented Healthcare benefits and problems, as well as the Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve them. 

Effort 10: AI-Augmented Transportation

This top-level problem category will define and solve the problem of how to carefully use AI to augment human transportation bottlenecks that will inevitably arise during the AI revolution.  This research would be necessary to avoid a global crisis. 

Read More about the AI-Augmented Transportation and Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve It. 

Effort 11: AI-Augmented Decision Making

The top level AI category will define and solve the problem of how to carefully use AI to augment human decision making in all vertical markets and global problems. This would be necessary to avoid a global crisis. 

Read More about the AI-Augmented Decision Making Problem and Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve It.  

Effort 12: AI Energy Consumption and Sustainability

As AI systems are implemented on a large scale, it is essential to consider their (potentially massive) energy consumption and work toward sustainable solutions.

This top-level problem category will carefully define, track and solve the problem of AI's environmental impact on the energy grid and the global ecosphere. 

Read More about AI Energy Consumption and Sustainability policy benefits and problems, as well as the Experts Recommended (by AI) to Solve them. 


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