A.I. Congressional Hearing and UBI

ChatGPT Creator Testify About AI at Congress

Potential Harms and Risks of AI

Ethical and Moral Responsibility of AI

Regulation and Accountability of AI

The key idea of the video is that there is a need for government regulation, transparency, and accountability in the development and deployment of AI systems to address ethical concerns, ensure safety, protect individuals, and maximize the benefits of AI technology.

1 month ago

I came here to get an idea of how to trade utilizing A.I trading bot after hearing a guy on a podcast talk about the importance of A.I trading bot and how he made $660,000 in 6 months from $50,000. This video has helped to clarify a few things for me, but I'm still puzzled, I'm a rookie, and I'm open to suggestions.



4 replies

2 months ago

Next we need media to be responsible and truthful in all aspects of reporting and not be manipulative.



3 replies

3 months ago

AI has the potential to become the next big thing in human history. Its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, make intelligent decisions, and automate complex tasks has the power to transform various industries and improve countless aspects of our lives. However, it is crucial that we approach its development and deployment responsibly, with a focus on ethics and ensuring that AI remains a tool that serves humanity's best interests



16 replies

3 months ago

You guys are obviousy very intelligent people, very brave and very responsible human being who cares about humanity. The question is, can you create a COP AI that will overlook how AI is created or behaving and enforce AI laws and terminate AI that are underminining or violating the laws?



16 replies

3 months ago

It is evident that people from different backgrounds have different concerns. However, there is a consensus that AI is a powerful force for innovation. Senators are more concerned about the potential impact it may bring and whether it will be beyond control.



5 replies

2 months ago

Perfectly said Professor...at the end of this hearing. Watch this hearing. Enormously interesting and scary.



2 replies

3 months ago (edited)

Well lots of political correct answers and responses here, felt quite 'scripted'. That being said, a needed discussion and the idea for an international body to govern AI development and deployment is not a bad idea. Though US as lead? I don't know about that, feels like this hearing was rushed in because Europe released the AI pact recently and was working on it for a very long time already. Let the US figure out first how they want to regulate data & privacy ruling and make that a national ruling, not by state. Also regulation on current AI is a bit too late already, don't think IBM, OpenAI etc. are going to pause AI development. The time is now to start creating regulation around AGI, this will truly be the disrupter to life as we know it. Let's wait and see how fast the USA can move on this topic.

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1 reply

2 months ago

man he got ChatGPT to write this speech



1 reply

3 months ago

Sams's actual response, when asked at an MIT talk what do you think is the worst outcome his response was,” Lights out for everyone.



11 replies

3 months ago

If AI goes bad I think it will go real bad. Mr. Altman



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2 months ago

That AI voice technology could really help people with like ALS Can keep you from losing your voice and you will always have the voice that you always had Even when you lose your voice I do know it could really help disabled and sick people in many ways Probably could really help disabled people in ways that I haven't even thought of Yes I think there should be regulated AI could even cure cancer and other conditions It could do a lot for all the disabled and sick people. But big pharma wouldn't like that if AI can help cure cancer and other conditions then they can't push their drugs for everything If it could help cure diseases and medical conditions If it's crazy smart like they say it is AI could help cure cancer and other condition. I'm severely disabled, I would let an AI robot take care of me I'm sick of human caregivers that you never know what kind of mood there in every day. Have to worry about saying anything that might piss them off People have to many emotions You don't really want a caregiver that is pissed off taking care of you Humans make mistakes that could hurt or kill someone Any company interested in using AI to make a caregivers count me in

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3 replies

2 months ago

A licensing scheme would be a great way for the existing companies to keep out new entrants...



2 months ago

There’s a difference between intelligence and wisdom



2 replies

3 months ago

Sam,Christina Time,Experience.Listen.Thank You for sharing this All.️


2 months ago

This technology will definitely be weaponized .



2 months ago

Newspapers can rise like the Phoenix to combat AI's influence. If newspapers aren't owned by Murdoch-like entities and revert back to how they were founded, AI doesn't have a chance against journalists who have standards and held to ethics.



3 months ago

Let's put AI in charge of who gets the right to buy and sell, or use various services. It could decide based on our political opinions and conformity to the State. This is going to be great!



8 replies

2 months ago

Btw I ultimately don't agree that tools should have more regulations than: explanation of risks and how to avoid them, obligatory before start of using it. In case of some interactions - transparency that: you are talking to bot/AI, that it can be wrong/halluciate and that its creator dont take responsiblity for its use other than it is meant for. 2. As Sam said - you can sue for harm, if they didnt warn you before they should be responsible, just like medical companies for addictions, banks for economical crisises and social media for related issues and profit over safety way of operations.


2 months ago

I work at a convince store and all of our vendors are switching to an auto-replenish system using AI. This will eventually put those vendor reps out of a job after it's been tested enough.



6 replies

1 month ago

The state should have a leading role in democratizing AI, allowing human beings to judge where they would like AI applied and developed. There is no reason to trust corporations or our current government to handle AI in a way that isn't malign. One can see this in the WGA/SAG strike, where studios are attempting to license low paid actor's image in perpetuity while offering a day's pay. In fields where there aren't unions to mediate the individuals choices, exploitative standards can be set before society even knows they have happened. This will be a defining development for human society. AI has an incredible range of positive practices. But on our current course its only function will be to extract value from us, for the sake of its corporate controllers.

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3 months ago

If AI becomes an ELE, you can safely bet that it will be a government military contractor that makes it so.



1 month ago

Thninking and hoping the good NOT ONLY FOR AMERICAN PEOPLE, BUT FOR HUMANITY!! You are on EARTH with us!!!


3 months ago

The professor is AWESOME, hes aware of many aspects of AI.



3 replies

2 months ago

1) AI must drive military systems and take adäquate countermeasurements against threads very quickly in "no time": at least AI can make this decisions and measurments much more quickly than a human can do! 2) AI is going to control near every aspect of a modern city and society. This few guys who deploy or control the AI systems will control society or humanity.



3 replies

2 months ago

I think Senator Richard Blumenthal's comments toward the end were the best of the lot.


2 months ago

I'm always hearing about AI, but the thing with AI is all it can do is repeat information that its been fed before or programmed. Real Intelligence is able to create new things and is way more profound than what an algorithm could ever provide.



2 replies

2 months ago

"Be afraid of this because my corporate owners want to monopolize it and shut you out." Same song every time



1 reply

2 months ago

They want to keep AI for themselves.



2 months ago

"We have to work together" Ya, cause we do that so well!



2 months ago

0:27 "our goal is to ... force our way into industry so we can have share on it."



3 months ago

I imagine this will be much like the calculator when it came out. A very useful tool, however now days teachers allow children in class to use calculators and they never actually learn how to do math equations. ( show your work ) I am guilty of this as well, I used to use a map for travel but now gps is so wonderful that the knowledge of using analog skills seems unnecessary. But is it?



3 replies

2 months ago

Blumenthal at least seems to be speaking intelligently about current capabilities of AI.


3 months ago

Monumental moment.



2 months ago

They're so afraid of individual citizens attaining power from AI. We know they care about our safety, so that can't be a reason to regulate AI. Simply maintaining power.



3 replies

1 month ago

can't we just make AI to detect other AI?


2 months ago

All the bad things that could happen with AI , will happen. No avoiding it. People are dumb and will not understand the weight of such an advancement in technology. Look at how terrible we are when it comes to just social media and just general internet use. There is no way the human race can comprehend the consequences that comes with the use of AI. Even with all the movies that have been made portraying the possibilities, the human race will choose to ignore it because we can't see past our own self interest In other words, we're selfish, greedy, and inherently evil, and evil begets evil.


2 months ago

Forcing more people to actually work instead of calling talking work will maybe help to fix the problems everywhere since people decided because they are actually lazy they will choose careers where talking is paid for.Meanwhile western world don’t have tradesmen or even air traffic controllers as in Australia due to a few of the controllers on unplanned leave, airlines had to cancel flights??


2 months ago

You better ask AI "Is the Human Race worth saving?" Once AI decides we are not it is game over.....


2 months ago

Next hearing: Sam in one room, ChatGPT in the other.


2 months ago

Students are using ChatGPT to skate through school while teachers use ChatGPT to grade their plagiarized work. Meanwhile neither one is learning nor teaching.



2 replies

2 months ago

A new and worse nuclear bomb. This podcast is very very interesting. Intelligent people who truly want to understand the dark side of A.I. And the good.


2 months ago

If only AI had arrived sooner, Bluementhal could have used it as an excuse for when he lied about his service in Vietnam, by arguing he never lied and was in-fact an AI generated statement! Too bad, but we all know what politicians will now start saying when they are caught lying saying outrageous crap in their own voices x''D


3 months ago

ChatGPT claimed to me that all aspects of humanity are socially constructed, then cited a lone known liar claiming as much.



2 months ago

What are we going to have? Licensing approval for using AI?


2 months ago

Mr. Hawley definitely has the right questions and it's true...no answers.


2 months ago

there is a german thinker by the name of peter sloterdijk who said this 30 years ago: „philosophers have always aimed at interpreting the world differently, but it was about CHANGING it. now, weve CHANGED the world in many ways, but we need to actually LET IT BE AS IT IS for now.“ maybe that is good input for this hearing, too.

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2 months ago

I think, chatgpt is good tools for humankind. Its speed up research and increase productivity for World.


1 reply

2 months ago

It makes me feel so great to see this being handled in such a great way by the correct people. The future doesn't need to be scary, and I'm excited to see how great the tools we all can use will help us all as they develop with time.



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3 months ago

18:26 Is when Altman starts



6 replies

2 months ago

AI, a man’s best friend. Dogs, an AI’s Best Friend. Cory Booker, the Chairs best friend


2 months ago

AI will literally keep humanity in the dark as it will demand all electricity for itself


2 replies

2 months ago

An Ai is needed to regulate the AI


1 reply

2 months ago

Senator Blavkburn brought up some great questions.


2 months ago

ChatGPT neglected to send campaign contributions



2 months ago

So let's send a spacecraft into deep space crewed by AI enabled androids whose mission would be to establish a colony of androids on a remote planet. Give them some basic tools and let them spend an eon or two to figure how how to complete their mission. And don't tell them where they came from ...


2 months ago (edited)

I have to admit I have no clue what most of these people are saying. I'm just a dumb finish carpenter that builds things with my own two hands. I wonder if AI could install an starting newel on an over the post staircase strong enough to hold up the stress it will undergo for a 100 years? Or could it install a new pivot arm clip on my windshield wiper motor buried under the cowl on my work van, so I can go to work when it rains? Or can it hold up a W3042 cabinet in place while attaching it to a run of other cabinets so it is straight, flush, level and not racked so the overlay doors will sit flush and not appear to be twisted on the cabinet? Can it sweep up the floor for me at the end of the day? Or reroute my electrical cord so its less likely to be a trip hazard on the job site? Or choose the correct size fastener so I don't inadvertently puncture a waterline hiding behind the drywall when I attach the baseboard? Could it tell me when I need to shim the top hinge more or less on a prehung door so it closes properly or how much to scribe a door slab when machining a door onsite for an existing jamb opening? Could it accurately measure, cut to length and cope crown molding and then install it off a 4 ft. ladder on a 10 ft. wall and then decide what to do when the crown molding is too tall and will not fit above a cold air return register? Can it put a micro bevel on my block plane so it cuts effortless when scribing a molding against an imperfect wavey wall, floor or ceiling with a hump in it because of a bowed stud or joist that sits proud? . . . I'm just one of many tradesman that have many common and similar task everyday in their workflow. These are everyday task that needs a person with some kind of intelligence, usually an acquired skill based on years of experience to get right. Is AI going to help in these areas so all these people discussing this have comfortable and beautiful homes to live in? . . . Hmmmmm

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2 months ago

The global community today is still struggling to agree to contain the potential destructive use of nuclear missile after all these years what chance have we got with controlling the immense and insidious potential of of the AI tool.


2 months ago

I bet their speeches were written with the support of ChatGpT


3 months ago

Sam sounds scared of his own creation. That is a huge red flag.



1 reply

2 months ago

id love an ai to psychoanalze on the basis of the content of this hearing and the vocal patterns on display. LOL


2 months ago

So I wish they would take bribery from foreign nations as serious



3 months ago

funny thing is the ai generated his speech



2 replies

2 months ago

Who decides what's the truth? That's one unsolvable problem.


2 months ago (edited)

Let’s all hope pray, hope and demand that the AI is carefully planed. Maybe you could put chips in peoples heads and ask what they think. 666.


3 months ago

For these reasons we need better education. We will spend our energy and our attention this week talking about a computer program and truly caring for its future. A computer program. But our children are poorly educated and is the reason we can't defend ourselves as a whole, from this new challenge. Sad.



2 replies

2 months ago

Information is speech.



3 months ago (edited)

Interesting hearing, but Graham needs to learn how to let others speak after he asks them a question.


2 months ago (edited)

When Mrs, Montgomery repeated herself “not a commercial” over and over, starting to remind me IBM Watson



2 months ago (edited)

They should of asked him to show the code and asked why ChatGPT leans way more left.



2 months ago

GENERATIONAL INPUT With regard to the remarks of Senator Blackburn and Klobuchar, which concerned music and musical content, and where the composers / musicians referred to were listed (Garth Brookes, Prince, Bob Dylan), we see what exists as the first kinds of issues. Clearly the individuals engaged in writing, implementing or designing things here were of a generation who know only what they have known and become exposed to. Nothing mentioned, (in the brief examples these two senators have given). of the great composers of the past, be they a Johnnie Mercer, Richard Rogers or an Oscar Hammerstein etc...... This brings us to what I will term 'Generational Input' which in the instances given we could say was fairly predictable. Obviously AI and what it holds for the future is of consequence and for far more important things than music and musicians. James Hennighan Yorkshire, England

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2 months ago

2:42:38 Very important.



3 months ago




3 months ago (edited)

Att: Sam... add a landing page for chatgpt. In which each user has to agree to a social contract that they will use, the digital life form, for the betterment of mankind.