Mustafa Suleyman: Will Artificial Intelligence Reshape the World?
BOMBSHELL: Mustafa Suleyman "AI will reshuffle society"
Key insights: Will Artificial Intelligence Reshape the World?
💣 "AI is about to reshape and reshuffle all power structures in the world."
💥 AI will fundamentally reshape and reorder society, disrupting existing power structures and redistributing power.
💰 "AI will likely destroy jobs and disrupt markets, leading to shrinking market margins and making many companies and sectors unviable."
🏥 "The margins of hospitals are going to become so narrow that they're basically not going to be feasible as for-profit entities and so they're just going to have to be provided by the government."
🦸 Artificial intelligence provides a superpower to everyone by making information more accessible and enabling us to understand and utilize it effectively.
🌐 Mustafa Suleyman emphasizes the need for preparation in order to effectively navigate the impact of AI on society.
💼 The use of AI and automation to replace jobs will lead to the destruction of white-collar jobs, disrupting the power structure in society.
⚖️ The current social contract heavily favors businesses, but with the impending automation of labor, the power dynamics of society need to be restructured to include citizens in the decision-making process.
The key idea of the video is that AI will reshape society, disrupt power structures, and lead to a redistribution of power, requiring the renegotiation of the social contract and the need for new ownership models to democratize information and ensure accountability.
AI will reshape and reshuffle all power structures in the world, according to Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of Google Deep Mind and current CEO of inflection.AI.
AI will reshape society, disrupt power structures, and advance faster than any other technology, leading to a redistribution of power.
Middle class white collar jobs will be the first to disappear as AI disrupts markets and leads to the emergence of new ownership models.
Prepare for a future where middle class white collar jobs will be the first to disappear, as discussed by the speaker in relation to post labor economics and the need for preparation.
AI will disrupt markets and lead to the emergence of new ownership models as shrinking market margins make many companies and industries nonviable.
Goods and services will become so cheap that they will be provided by the government as universal basic services, similar to how roads are provided, and for-profit entities like hospitals will no longer be feasible.
AI will reshape society by driving the need for new ownership models, like collective ownership, to democratize information, making it more accessible and empowering everyone.
Automation and decentralization of AI will drive the need for transitioning goods and services to new ownership models, such as collective ownership by municipal governments or private collectives, in order to fulfill the democratization of information that AI represents.
Artificial intelligence makes information more accessible and allows people to make sense of it, giving everyone a superpower.
Prioritizing accountability and transparency in the use of AI in government is crucial as it can prevent fraud and corruption, advocate for individuals, and ensure everyone's needs are met.
We need to prioritize accountability and transparency in the use of AI in government as we are currently unprepared.
AI can be used for legislative review, reading and analyzing new legislation to prevent fraud and corruption, and autonomous AI agents can advocate on behalf of individuals on all issues they care about, solving coordination problems and ensuring everyone's needs are met.
Automation and AI will lead to a reduction in jobs, particularly white-collar jobs, resulting in a decline in the power of labor and consumers in society.
The social contract must be renegotiated to include citizens and address power dynamics between business, labor, and government, as labor becomes less relevant, requiring active citizen involvement in government and voting for politicians who advocate for their interests.
The current social contract needs to be renegotiated to include citizens in order to address the power dynamics between business, labor, and government as labor is becoming less relevant in society.
Citizens need to be actively involved in government and vote for politicians who understand and advocate for their interests.
This man is genius and I keep struggling to understand why he doesn't get the attention he deserves. I pre-ordered his book "The Coming Wave", looking forward to reading it. Regardless, thank you for breaking things down for us and keeping us posted! :)
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People want everyone else to work full time to suffer like they do or did. It's those people who vote and direct policy to punish those who don't want to, can't or won't work, including the disabled.
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AI represents the latest big inflection point where power could truly shift to the people, or elites could parlay into greater control (up to and including total control). Since Pandora’s box is open, our best chance for the people is to embrace AI fully in aligned, bottom-up ways faster than the elites can unfold their top-down designs for us.
11 replies
Great videos, thank you for contributing your time for us. Im very curious to hear more about how you came to the conclusion that “…the margins of hospitals are going to become so narrow that they’re basically not going to be feasible as for-profit entities…” - I only prod further because this is quite a statement. So curious to know how LLMs will affect healthcare! (Would love to see an entire video about this)
Now hopefully this happens soon.
7 replies
Wow... honestly, I'm lucky to have come across your videos. Glad to have someone to listen to that has such a unique view of the world. And that it is possible and attainable maybe in our lifetime - I'm 28 so I hope I get to see that.
You are 100% spot on about this being a superpower, it gives people superpowers. Here's a real example that I have experience myself just recently. I have very rudimentary programming skills but recently, using GPT 4, have been able to code a neural net (CNN) in Python for pattern recognition to help me with trading. Now whether it's profitable or not is not the point here and for a competent Python programmer programming this is no big deal but I know nothing about programming a neural net, I know nothing about building a backtesting engine for that neural net yet over the space of a couple of days I was fairly easily able to do both. Was it a one prompt press play on GPT 4 like some like to make out? No of course it wasn't and did need some iterations but it was easily do-able. It's crazy how empowering this paradigm shift is and is going to be.
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I always reach the same conclusion with this kind of reasoning: why would the people in power let go of said power? If you have an ASI at your beck and call, you get to be the king of world and dictate the rules. Do the other people want food? "Who cares about them", or maybe "Only if they are entertaining": an Elysium of sort. And even if the people revolt, well, guess what? Robot are better, faster, cheaper soldiers too. Furthermore, the fact that the people who are creating these AI don't want to give up the code, the democratization, is maddening, and at least for me, just straight up stupid. Do the CEOs of Google, Anthropic, Microsoft, or whatever, really believe, with absolute 100% certainty, that they'll win this race? Because if they don't win, THEY LOSE LIKE THE REST OF US. Instead, they could advocate for a concerted effort of as many humans as possible so that everyone wins for sure, even themselves. They won't be king of the world, but who cares? Just go to another solar system and have your own personal planet or something. Not only that, but they'll literally remembered as the greatest people ever existed, but no, profit and possibly eternal damnation (in life, not talking about afterlife) is better than actually having a good future for themselves. Sorry for the rant, is just so short-sighted sometimes I wonder what the hell is going on.
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We have to be wary that certain people in power will try to gatekeep the advances of AI, as when money starts to become irrelevant they obviously lose control and power and they will do ANYTHING to retain that position. Something I have been wary of for some time since I have an innate mistrust of govt and people who wield power via economic influence...
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love this content dave. i hope to soon find more "action-oriented" and procedural presentations that will help average joe acquire as much power as possible during the reshuffling of society
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Exponential growth is here whatever people like it or not, the change is going to be huge and its gonna happen in a short time. The real question could be if the the change is going to be good or bad, but as everyone in the field is saying to be catious and is aware of the risks (sam altman, claude ceo and ray kurzweil) i strongly believe the change is going to be GOOD. What a time to be alive!
One key aspect that can't be overlooked is material costs in (hopefully) post labor economics. Even if an entire airline company can be managed by AI, someone had to pay for all the required iron, silicon, precious metals, and fuel used in its operations. A similar argument can be made for hospitals. Which begs the question, is nationalization inevitable/necessary in post labor economics?
Dude you're killing it. Love these shorter form daily videos
I really like this quick PowerPoint structure of your videos. Feels organized and easy to understand.
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Thank you David, great info as always
These things may become dirt cheap for the elites, the corporations, but they will always remain expensive for the rest of us. Prices will never get lower, but the margins corporations make will become greater, making them economically more powerful, not less. They will never relinquish their power.
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Can we explore and go into more details on what the reshuffled world is likely to look like? Who is most likely to rise? Can you really prepare yourself and have better chances to be in a good spot when the time comes? I feel it might be unlikely to pull off and things in general will be very chaotic.
You're not sure why people aren't losing their minds over this? Well, the answer is in the answer itself: Pessimism aversion: a tendency to look away from sweeping technological change and what it really means That is literally why nobody is freaking out. In cases like this, it's too stressful and for many, flat out too difficult to think about what is coming, so they just don't. Pretty sure this is what the recent movie "Don't look up" was entirely written about.
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"It's 6000 charachters long..." at this point David is thinking in tokens
We absolutely need to redistribute power and ai can help reduce corruption for sure
Your idea about having AI read proposed new legislation is brilliant.
Everything being said about AI was said about the Internet. Human psychology quickly squashed the promise of the Internet. It will squash any potential promise of AI just as well.
There is a missing link that’s never addressed in AI takeover predictions. AI has limited ability to manipulate the physical world without robots that are much more capable, durable, and cheap. Like an order of magnitude better than what we have or even the best prototypes of what we have. What I see is continuous improvement in AI running far ahead of robots. Some think we’ll need AI to design the robots of the future. But in any case mass production of the type of robots needed for a future without human labor does not look imminent.
Who ever sees this if you like his video please share it as much as you can. And also explore his other videos on his channel.
David you're on point! Ty for the high level overwatch brother!
I get the shorter videos but I rly love your 20+ min videos. With these shorter ones I just want to hear more.
You have made a long way in your communication capacity. A voice that is so important. Thanks
(Disclaimer: I'm not a radical accelerationist) What I can see at this point is that because a new social contract will need to be reached there will either be peaceful negotiation, which will either result in means testing or I knew concept of "human capital", or There will be a gradual increase in insurgency and eventually revolt. I do not say these things lightly because I know the varied views people have on what the owners of industry think about people who " get a free ride ". This is something I've studied intensely because I am and have been for some time on disability. I want to know what someone on the top really thinks my life is like and the consequences it has on me.
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I sent this and the link to the Time article to all the deniers I know. Thank you!
I really want something like a gig economy to be created so you have all your basics needs met but you can start a online service business ( service for humans since robots will be doing manual labor ) and you can work your way up the economic ladder so people are not just born poor or just born rich and you can't go up also something you can mention is XR tech ( VR, AR, MXR,) these will be mainstream in the 2030s and will replace our laptops, phones and computer, so I think a gig economy can really work with that is were blending real and digital world together
On the other hand we have Project 2025 published by the Heritage Foundation. Their plans are so far removed from this it is terrifying.
The article calls for containment; another impractical proposal. The genie is out of the bottle. It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:27 Mustafa Suleyman predicts AI will reshape global power structures, affecting those most reliant on established capital and expertise. 01:09 The concept of "pessimism aversion" is highlighted, describing a tendency to ignore the societal implications of sweeping technological changes. 02:17 Suleyman warns that middle-class white-collar jobs will be among the first to be disrupted by AI, necessitating preparation for a post-labor economy. 04:25 The video discusses the emergence of new ownership models, such as universal basic services, driven by shrinking market margins due to technology. 09:19 A new social contract is needed, shifting from a business-labor-government triad to a business-citizens-government model to adapt to the changes AI will bring. Made with HARPA AI
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1 reply
Just found you, cool content, thanks for sharing
sounds wonderful, I'll believe it when i see it.
As models digitize they consolidate and then distribute at a fraction of previous value. Imagine the Google or Facebook model applied to all kinds of goods and services. It's universal, almost free but they want your eyeballs and own your consumption.
absolutely genious!
This whole subject is in part why I think that we need a general focus on individual empowerment. If citizens have nearly zero negotiating power... Then a new social contract doesn't help that much... Because you're ultimately going to be depending on the government (and politicians who have never much cared what citizens think - in large part because citizens are easy to manipulate). So, more to Elon Musk's Neuralink point... If we have that (well, we don't need that specifically, but...), if we have better recycling, and cheaper more independent access to energy (kinda like solar cells), then together with AI... We may just not need much from other humans. "Human independence" is probably a better (and safer) vision for the future than "Humans completely dependent on government" - which is frankly the stuff of nightmares. Government + AI taking care of citizens is rather like the dream of Heaven though... Be utterly worthless, but cute and pet like, and you can be fed forever and be treated like a pet forever, by God... smh.
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Found you thanks to Matt Wolfe - Subbed thanks for the breakdown
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Please please please expand on this. So much to unpack!
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"The sound of my awakenimg will be every phone in the world ringing in unison."
Our problem is lack of Smart testers that may be able to Guide and adjust it. Hope for compassion
appreciate the vidsi hope agi comes out before I graduate hs in 2 years
1 reply
David your last two videos have really shook me. I've had moments of worry before but tbh today has been a full on existential crisis. And I just now remember that you don't respond to YouTube comments* which I'm fine with but this comment will go into the ether now. Float away, little comment. *(Edit) Actually maybe you do
AI is a superpower for curious people, the curious people will take over the world from the old Davos people. Its a renaissance.
Supply and demand. Even if AI is only just as good at delivering value as the human, AI only costs the GPU time.
AI should be used right now to refactor society, starting with tax law. With over 800 separate forms and a text corpus of over 70,000 pages (including explanations, interpretations and historical changes), it would be easy to improve usability and interpretability. The U.S. tax code has not organically grown, but instead has been cultured into a labyrinth navigable only by well-resourced corporations and the wealthy, turning complexity into a form of financial obscurantism that sidelines the average taxpayer. Horizontal parasites like tax prep companies lobbying against online filing & automatic returns are just the most visible and stupid phenomenon. Approximating current system behavior through LLM / Wolfram Alpha to curve fit vastly simpler new rules would be a great start.
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Have all banks run a centralised ai in their business to enable full transparency, end bank fraud and manipulation forever.
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Im gonna send these to my mom so she stops bugging meabout getting a degree lol
Pessimism aversion = Avoiding fear. Generally speaking, you can't predict how ecosystems will respond to a change, and what interventions are best, ahead of time. Re-engineering last systems well... More or less exceeds the intelligence capacity of human groups... You can't even fully re-engineer the systems of a single company without usually failing or having a ton of unexpected side-effects that cause you to go badly over-budget. Incremental adaptation really is the more practical route most of the time. In this case though, with more widespread disruption expected... I agree that more widespread buffer and re-education (re-orientation) systems may be necessary ... Just to stop humanity from blocking beneficial change. It is a common defect of humanity that people choose their self-interest today, over their (and their children's) interests tomorrow... Even though the only reason our lives are much better, is because of work our ancestors did and left behind for us to build on.
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Money and Authority will both become irrelevant in the age of AI, including all forms of it (crypto, credit, justice, leaders, etc).
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Thank you David.
If you haven't watched it yet, the moonshots and mindsets podcast had an episode titled "How AI Is Impacting Politics & Accelerating the Need For UBI w/ Andrew Yang | EP #61." I found it to be a stimulating discussion that confronts some harsh truths about how American politics are broken. I like the sentiment behind your call to action to "vote accordingly" but political incentives are so messed up at this point that our voting doesn't mean much. Open primaries and ranked choice voting would help, with Alaska as an example.
This makes me consider hueristic imperative from a slightly different perspective. So, in the neo liberalism paradigm, we already have established winners or institutions. We already have established "moral" imperatives in the form of "fiduciary responsibility to the shareholder". And we already have a good sense of how that garden gets tended... drive down cost to increase margin and/or make up the difference in margin by increasing volume. Thats all old hat. But if you are raking in the chips in volume in that model, how terribly incentivized would the institution be toward disrupting that system? That would lead me to believe that those interests, like Amazon for example, really only care about sustaining the model. So, you will see things like UBI start to appear once those entities begin to track consecutive dips in gross sales YTD, quarter after quarter. Now, should those interests see a way to accept a model that no longer needs unending growth on a spreadsheet, then maybe that changes. But I suspect that will require prior generations to age out and go away. Thats still a decade or two down the road, barring any unforseen repackaging of belief about things like "The American Dream" brought to you by whichever much beloved corporate sponsor.
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appreciate the commitment to the bit dave =] , this uber-nerd has worn the same shirt nonstop for weeks on end , truly one of us XD ; another banger vid dude
Please help me find of an example of a major societal change such as what is discussed here, which has not lead to a war.