Rutger Bregman on UBI
Why we should give everyone a basic income | Rutger Bregman | TEDxMaastricht
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Rutger Bregman (1988) studied at Utrecht University and the University of California in Los Angeles, majoring in History. In September 2013 Bregman joined the online journalism platform De Correspondent. His article on basic income was nominated for the European Press Prize and was published by The Washington Post.
Implementing a basic income for all citizens has the potential to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality, and address the challenges of the 21st century.
Giving everyone a basic income has the potential to eradicate poverty and fix the broken social security system, as history has shown that seemingly impossible ideals can become a reality through progress.
The idea of a basic income for everyone, which has been advocated by historical figures such as Thomas Payne and has the potential to unite politicians from different ideologies, could eradicate poverty and fix the broken social security system in wealthy countries.
The idea of giving everyone a basic income, also known as "free money for everyone," may seem like a Utopian fantasy, but history has shown that seemingly impossible ideals can become a reality through progress.
Basic income is a universal and unconditional monthly grant that covers basic needs and is a right for all citizens, regardless of their wealth, gender, or employment status.
Giving everyone a basic income leads to lower inequality, poverty, healthcare costs, crime rates, and better social outcomes, as proven by experiments around the world.
Giving people free money, as proven by numerous experiments around the world, leads to lower inequality, poverty, infant mortality, healthcare costs, crime rates, and better social outcomes, making it the most efficient and civilized way to combat poverty.
In an experiment in London, homeless men were given £3,000 each as an alternative solution to the high costs they were causing the British taxpayers.
Giving unconditional money to the poor leads to positive outcomes such as obtaining housing, learning new skills, and making plans for the future, and is an efficient and cost-saving way to alleviate poverty.
Men given unconditional money were frugal with it, spending it on things they deemed beneficial, resulting in some obtaining housing, learning new skills, and making plans for the future.
Giving money directly to the poor is an efficient and cost-saving way to alleviate poverty, as demonstrated by experiments conducted worldwide.
Implementing a basic income is an affordable and effective solution to address the challenges of the 21st century, prevent the collapse of the middle class, and reduce inequality.
In a time of rapid change and automation, the speaker argues that implementing a basic income is a better solution to address the challenges of the 21st century and prevent the collapse of the middle class and rising inequality.
Giving everyone a basic income is affordable and an investment in eradicating poverty, as it would only cost a quarter of the US military budget and would result in savings in healthcare costs, reduced crime, and more productive citizens.
Giving everyone a basic income doesn't make people lazy; most individuals would continue working if given the opportunity, as they want to contribute to society and investing in their lives.
Giving everyone a basic income does not make people lazy, as most individuals would continue working if given the opportunity, contrary to the belief that others would stop working.
Most people want to contribute to society and giving them a basic income allows them to invest in their lives and work more, despite the objection that it is too big of an idea.
Richard Nixon almost implemented a basic income in the United States in the 70s, but it was rejected by more progressive senators who wanted a larger basic income.
The basic income is a possible and necessary idea for the 21st century, as history has shown that progress and change are driven by new ideas.
Key insights
🌍 Basic income is a utopian idea that has been dreamed about by history's greatest thinkers for centuries, but has yet to come true.
💰 The basic income is universal and unconditional, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their wealth or employment status, has the right to receive financial support for their basic needs.
💰 Giving people free money has been proven to result in lower inequality, lower poverty, lower health care costs, lower crime rates, better school completion records, and higher economic growth.
💡 Poverty is not a lack of character, but simply a lack of money.
💰 "I'd like to see the basic income as a dividend of progress...we can now afford to give everyone a share of their accomplishments."
💰 Giving people a basic income does not make them lazy; most individuals have dreams and ambitions that drive them to work and pursue their goals.
💡 Richard Nixon, a conservative president, almost implemented a basic income in the 70s, showing that the idea has bipartisan support and potential for implementation.
🌍 "Ideas can and do change the world... the time has come for free money for everyone."
We should go a step further by making foods, accommodation, health care and education free for everyone if we are going to abolish poverty. These are the basic needs of a society.
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I personally do not need a basic income, but I thought about what it would do for me. I am pretty sure it would increase my job mobility and geographic mobility. It would take away some of the fear and worry surrounding changing jobs. I would gain more, and more diverse, work experience. I would choose more innovative and more risky fields of work. Which, all in total, would make me happier anymore productive. I would also be happy for other people to have a basic income because I would not be confronted with people in dire need every day. I would rather spend my charity work time on helping people educate themselves than on trying to keep people from starving.
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People don't want to be rich, they just want to be secure. Food, a nice but modest home, family and friends. That is what people really want.
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After contemplating what I would do if I was given enough money to cover my living expenses, I'd immediately move to working 3 days per week and go to university to gain the qualifications for more meaningful and rewarding employment.
A line in particular stood out for me 'each man given this money knew what would be best for him'. This is why we don't need food stamps, restrictive benefit payments on cards, and voucher systems. Give a poor man cash, and you'll see a man who knows how to get the most out of that money. Sure, a minority will 'waste' it, but the majority will do what they can to help themselves, and we shouldn't hamstring that ability by locking assistance down to only the ways we feel the poor should be allowed to help.
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When asked to imagine an ideal world, ever since I was little, I always thought of this concept. I'm glad to find out that it has a name and I'm not crazy, it's something other people believe in
Wow,!!! That's amazing... I'm living in the Philippines where majority of the people are struggling against poverty and no one seems to care about all of what you've one,including our politicians and government.. Thank you for the enlightenment, Mr.Bergman..
I honestly wouldn't stop working but I would move to a part time position so that I'd have way more free time and it would alleviate a whole lot of stress knowing that I could just work part time and still be able to pay bills. Especially if I had another person in the household helping pay, there'd be a enough money and a lot more free time.
Universal basic income would certainly solve many major problems of the world and pull millions of people out of misery.
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I personally think basic income is a really good idea since it will encourage people to take up jobs they love which will increase productivity. You cannot say poor people should work harder and all that because they don't have money to educate themselves let alone finding jobs.
One thing People ought to note is its the flow of currency which drives the economy. The Basic income would be the equivalent of making the desert bloom where it formerly was well a desert...Technological unemployment is inevitable and already happening... Also simply people we need to experiment and The Basic Income is a great Experiment!!
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If done fairly I believe this can work. This is not about getting rich it’s about giving people security, freeing them from the worry that comes from losing a job or changing a job. Many would love to be free to help others this money could help them achieve this. Then their are those who would love to have the time to develop a new idea or to turn a hobby into a business that money would be enough of a cushion to allow them to progress. My only concerns are for those who are retired and the sick disabled and the mentally ill. Their outgoings can be a lot higher than healthy individuals. We need a safety net for them.I read on another forum that this will be paid for from the tax system the rich will no longer be able to hide behind loopholes in the law.They will have to pay the full sum owed.
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Poverty is not lack of character, it is just lack of money - amazing insight !! May there be prosperity in every life
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This speaks to me very much, because my partner and I have realistic ambitions, about studying, working and moving. But it's always a lack of money that holds us back. Not a lot, but just not enough to do proper saving, to invest and to grow. We get around, we're not poor, we're comfortable. But at the moment we're stuck to our wallet and moving forward goes slowly.
I always feel that welfare system is flawed somehow and now just came to know that there's an alternative. Great talk and thought-provoking ideas.Thanks Man :)
We need to get it it of our heads that people want to scrounge or lay around doing nothing. Being unemployed, addicted, having no goal is boring, frustrating and miserable. A few, perhaps, but the majority always wins
The amount of wasted talent on meaningless jobs just for survival is a tradegy. We need this talent. We don't need them doing meaningless jobs, just to serve a failed system. Instead, we need people doing their passion, and achieving new evolutionary progress for all.
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Yes, everything is an idea including how we are conditioned to believe we all have to live an unfair lives because some has advantage others don't. I am for what this man stands for. I believe its time that we all start reaping what our forefathers has sowed centuries ago. Their once crazy ideas can now be realized. Its time!
It’s not left or right, it’s Forward. We are the owners and shareholders of our country.
World's leaders, billionaires, and greedy corporate CEOs need to watch this.
I dare to hope that this idea is embraced by leaders around the world because I know from experience that you need a certain amount of money to keep your dignity and move your life forward. Since the results from programs like this are overall positive for EVERYONE, it seems like a no brainer... but prejudice and lack of empathy may mean that it will never happen
So interesting to see the quality of men who believe in UBI. Such compassionate, intelligent respectful humans. So refreshing. AY46 "Corporations of today are like the monarchy of the past."
Basic income has to be coupled with monetary reinvention because in the current fraudulent system it would likely be promoted by banksters as a government debt. Whereas in an updated Publicly Owned monetary structure a Basic Income could be a primary way of spending (not lending) the money supply into existence.
It's very very simple. I am unfortunately too ill to either hold down an employment status, self employment, small business etc and that is because there are times I'm utterly inept and the most basic tasks. However, with a UBI I and others like me, would fight every month to top that UBI up as much as we could. I'd be excited to be able to sell art work, birds, eggs, do a bit of cleaning when I can etc without that impacting my stability with regards to food, home and warmth. That means that I'd be actively paying tax back into the country where as now, I am not.
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To every naysayer about this. I'll give you an example of how well it's worked. Back in 2008, a German catholic church did a social experiment by giving each individual within the African town of Namibia, the Equivalent of $12 US dollars, which to them was enough to survive each month comfortably. They did this from January of 2008 and ended it in December of 2009 (about 2 years). What they discovered is that it not only helped the people, but the people used it properly, they didn't squander it, they didn't stop working, but the economy boomed and not only did crime go down immensly, but education rose as more students went to school. This alone is proof that it can work wonders and even proves that most people will not abuse it.
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If quantum physicists are right and this is in fact a simulation, then a basic income makes sense. Even "The Sims" starts every player out with a modest home, simple furniture and a few simoleons in the bank. Same with monopoly: everyone starts off with $1500 plus $200 whenever you pass go. The game would be a lot less fun if one player started out with negative -$500 and another player started out with a small loan of a million dollars from their father...
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Just think for a second how much faster we could evolve as a society and how much more productive we'd be, If instead of leaving negative comments in a great ideas like this one, everyone would contribute to that idea so things could get done.. I don't think there was ever a time where we all were so connected. It'd be nice if could use that collective thinking power in a positive way.
Всё правильно сказал! Безусловный Основной Доход - одна из достойнейших идей и целей человечества, наряду с победой над старостью и смертью!
$1000 dollars a month would pay majority of my basic bills. I live very frugally and with my bills paid, I will be able to use 90% of the money from my two jobs to spend more time with my family (I see my parents once a year because they are out of state and I cannot afford plane tickets and my car is too old to make the drive), it would allow me to finally pursue the things I love (Personal training, spending time outdoors, etc.) UBI would create a healthy social environment for everyone in this country by taking the boot off our throats just to survive. I’ve become introverted because I know I cannot afford things so I’ve reclused myself to sit at home, go to the gym, go to work, and maybe hangout once a week when I can afford it. This will spark the creative genius and so many others minds and will revolutionize our society
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it is amazing how many people are closed minded to new ideas.
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A forgotten chapter in American history but one my parents taught me about.
Great ted talk, I hope it becomes a reality.
I am an Artist . and i struggle in life to earn money from art to create more Art works . and financial situation pushing me not just me but my other creative friends backwards . i think if something like this happens then i can create more art and try to make this world more beautiful and peaceful .
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This is how you compose an argument. Every premise is well supported, and supports the next one very well. He addresses the potential criticisms and the most prevalent opposing views by accurately representing the views. He doesn’t Straw Man his opponents. Brilliant. Let’s do it, but let’s start with a small/soft UBI and go from there. Edit: Prepare for Fox viewers to scream about Venezuela.
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In The Netherlands we have a basic income for people above 65. It's called the AOW (general elderly law) and once it was an utopian idea also. But it has come true. I think the basic income will come in time. It's inevitable.
..and what a hell of an idea, it is... Progressive yet so in tune with the times. A (revolutionary) societal 'paradigm shift' if you will, for it could cause many new perspectives, create more 'breathing room' and maybe change things radically, in ways that could help us advance forward, as people... in general. If ever was the right time, the time is now. This could not only help with poverty but combating certain types of crimes and desperation too...
This basic right of income is a great idea. At least it will keep up with the illusion of inflation. I as a man once were not allowed to work in the States due to visa status and I stayed home for free for more than a year and that almost drove me crazy. We are a productive people we do like to reinvest in our jobs and communities all the time.
"Because our forefathers worked so hard to achieve our current level of prosperity, we can now afford to give everyone a share of their accomplishments." "Eradicating poverty is an investment."
About 15 years ago a town in Canada gave everyone $1500 each per month for two years. Records were kept of the effects of this. Health visits dropped dramatically, school attendance increased. Only two groups worked less- The teenagers who stayed in education rather than leave early and woman with young children. Every else kept working as normal.
UBI across the board just makes SO MUCH SENSE as a pretty easy, low administration way to circulate currency all through out our entire country.
Im a huge supporter for Basic income we need this in canada asap
I've been thinking along these lines for a few years. It started when there was a news story saying that one of Britain's unions (can't remember which now) had proposed that we should work less hours per week for the same amount of pay. Similarly, it sounds crazy at first but my view was, and is, that if progress can't make all our lives easier and more enjoyable what's the point of progress?
Very beautifully presented.
Wow this is the best TEDtalk I've ever seen
This talk also reminded me of another quote from Oscar Wilde that would also strongly support UBI. Oscar Wilde is credited for saying ''Work is the curse of the drinking classes.''
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Basic income won't kill incentive because people can earn more money by working. It'll just make people happier because they won't have to work just to pay the bills. They can choose jobs that they WANT to do.
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Bravo!!! Who wouldnt want this idea to be implemented? They would have to be crazy!
now that I think about it I don't want to be rich .. I just want to be free
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Just imagine all the money you save by eliminating the bureaucracy of social security. You'd get rid of all that by using guaranteed basic income.
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Stagnation lasts for more than 40 years already. Software is developing but it is not implemented widely in order not to cause social changes because of big unemployment. If 90% of work force is out of jobs then most of population can just vote for social changes.
This would be just one step. After this "universal basic income" we still need toeducate and train the needy in new or in demand fields.
I find this idea and the fact that we do have studies to support it quite exciting! I need someone to explain to me how are the prices going to stay the same though... What stops say landlords to push the rent by the amount of the basic income given?
I agree partially. Small financial help always optimises the budget. It always helps the economy to give people some 200Euros for one child (in Poland it created the economical boom), but this guy is proposing something more than the small help. As something more it won't help, but spoil the economy. Still, small financial help optimises the budget.
Very good! I believe this will be implemented soon. Technological unemployment is a reality people keep ignoring.
I just bought the book, love the idea. Make it happen.
Especially since I am "early retired" and living off of assets with no income (i.e., investment gains are in a tax-free retirement account), I welcome my new payment from the government!
. I watch this speech every week... And I hope... Just hope politicians would really get rid of the business mentality and embrace... What they were actually elected for.
So convincing I really like your brilliant presentation
Its not a idea its a fact which should and have to happen in the future. All the machines are doing the work for us and we only need couple of workers to fix the machines or program them.
That is one of the best speeches I've heard on the subject.
The problem with the welfare state is that people get stuck at the bottom because earning more will strip away their social security. This basic income, combined with a flat tax, would actually be a great way to encourage people to invest and contribute to society, but at the same time have stability and security. People are truly free to make choices. I just hope that people will figure out a great way to implement it, because it won't be a smooth change and their will be challenges in the form of: Privatisation, immigration(non-basic-income countries) and the height of the basic-income.
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what he is proposing is a segment of society will need to not only be productive enough to provide for themselves, but they will need to provide a surplus of productivity to also provide for the Bregman's of the world.
Speaking as an American, I think this is a great idea, but only if it's given to those age 18 and older. If it's given to children it would encourage people to have more than they can afford on their own, which is what we have under the current welfare system. As for those who say it will incentivize laziness, I think it will do the exact opposite. The main reason people on welfare don't want to work is because they know if they do they'll lose their benefits. With the basic income guarantee you can double your income with a minimum wage job. I don't know about Europeans, but Americans are very materialistic. Most won't be satisfied with the basic necessities of life. They will work, if only to raise their standard of living.
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Everything that can be automated, should be automated. And we should bring in basic incomes to share the productivity wealth. :D
Andrew Yang also attributes Friedman’s support for UBI but if you actually follow Friedman, you would know that he advocates only for a negative income tax and it being a better program than the current welfare system (and the one from his time), but not his preferred plan. Good thing I took your advice and did my research
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"This is how liberty dies, . . .with thunderous applause." Padme Amidala
I came to Canada/Quebec as a skilled IT professional, I speak 4 languages fluently, I had a job before, a career going on a good path. Only to discover that all my university education and work experience is completely discarded and disregarded in Canada. I've been unemployed for more than 4.5 years out of the last 6 years. All I am dreaming of now is to get any normal job just to be able to save a bit and get out of here. It's better to work for China or Russia for a stable income of 1500-2000 dollars/month than to live in poverty and unemployment in (a dying, sinking) North America and being regarded as complete trash.
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If this is such a great idea, implement it voluntarily.
I seriously like the idea, and I think it may be possible as well, the only real problem I can see with it is not that its to expensive or ... but if you implement the system people would do jobs they like and lots of people would want to start their own business, than who is going to do line work ? who is going to do the jobs that nobody wants to do but somebody has to ? And except for that, the amount of small businesses starting and failing, and starting again and failing again is going to be exceptionally high I think.
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There was however one requirement that the homeless who had been given 3000 bucks had to fulfill: They had to report back in one year and tell what they have used the money for. I would guess that this has a psychological effect. If you know that next year you have to report back what you did with the money, you'll probably be more careful what to do with it and not waste it on alcohol and drugs.
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I liked everything he said but the 30 or 40 yrs, WTF? We need this NOW. Our world can't wait.
Parallel with education that will give explosion of creativity!!!! We need it desperately!!!
giving small groups of people money is very different trying to apply this to a whole population it would be unsustainable. Moneys value is relative, you give everyone basic income, the basics of life will become more expensive
Bravo. Do you think we could hurry up with the implementation of this?
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The American workforce has some of the least ammounts of incentives to work I dont always blame ppl for not working..and I agree with this
I hope it doesn't take 30 years. I think we should already have it. Jobs are disappearing everyday because of automation. Social security is bullshit, it takes lots of paperwork, periodic show ups and many other humiliating things. Just start small, no need to start with 1000€ a month. Start with 400€ a month in 2020 for example. With 400€ a month i would pay all my bills, water, internet, gas, electricity and 1-2 weeks of food. Then with the money i earn from working i would be able to invest in myself to finish my studies and get a better life and contribute more to society. And i wouldn't need to accept jobs that offer ridiculous salaries, extra unpaid hours or abusive employers. Basic income still this decade!!!
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So frustrating trying to educate even the closest friends about UBI. They are so stuck on free money and that people should work for it. No matter how much I try to tell them that it’s much more than getting free money. YANG2020!!!
Totally agree with this idea, the only thing is that the quote "stronger than a thousand armies is an idea whose time has come" attributed to Oscar Wilde is from Victor Hugo.
Unfortunately its difficult to change the minds of those who can`t look forward.