Senate Judiciary Committee holds hearing on AI oversight and regulation 

The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee holds a hearing on oversight and regulation of AI. 

Ethical and Societal Implications

AI Regulation and Oversight

National Security and Threats

Proactive regulation and investment in AI research are necessary to address potential dangers, protect privacy, prevent job loss and election interference, and ensure a secure and ethical future for AI.

The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee holds a hearing on oversight and regulation of AI. Witnesses testifying include Stuart Russell, professor of computer science at The University of California Berkeley; Yoshua Bengio, founder and scientific director of Mila — Quebec AI institute, and Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropic. » Subscribe to CNBC TV: » Subscribe to CNBC: Turn to CNBC TV for the latest stock market news and analysis. From market futures to live price updates CNBC is the leader in business news worldwide. Connect with CNBC News Online Get the latest news: Follow CNBC on LinkedIn: Follow CNBC News on Facebook: Follow CNBC News on Twitter: Follow CNBC News on Instagram:

thank you ms. Palki, Vantage, and Firstpost for this recap. though i have not missed a single episode in the weekdays i always watch it the next day during breakfast


1 month ago

Mr. Blumenthal is the best. Blumenthal stays on the topic and knows exactly where the real problems are. i wish Mr. Blumenthal had more time to speak with the witnesses testifying.



1 reply

1 month ago

AI, Aliens and pandemics who would've thought three years ago that these would be the issues that would unite us.



1 month ago

Feels like Dario is wasting everyone's time with these answers and making it all about his company rather than what they're actually discussing.



1 reply

1 month ago

AI self-development will outpace any governmental control of it.



3 replies

1 month ago (edited)

When considering potential existential threats to humanity's future, two possibilities that often arise are unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and artificial intelligence (AI). On the surface, they have little in common - one involves visitations by extraterrestrial crafts, while the other relates to technologies we create ourselves. Yet both represent something unfamiliar and poorly understood, with potentially tremendous implications we can only partially predict. Those who see UFOs as the more significant threat point to the complete unknowns involved. If highly advanced alien civilisations were entering our skies, they would have technologies centuries ahead of ours. Their motivations and intentions are a mystery. There are concerns they could one day use their superior capabilities to threaten our planet in ways we'd be powerless to resist. And the fact that credible sightings continue to occur indicates this is not just hypothetical but an actual phenomenon needing attention. Some warn that UFOs could represent scouting missions for alien invasion or colonisation. While this may sound far-fetched, we simply do not have enough data to rule it out, given the capabilities that UFOs have reportedly displayed. Until we can learn more about who is operating these craft and why, the risk they pose is incalculable. On the other hand, some argue AI poses more considerable risks because it's being developed here on Earth. Revolutionary advances in machine learning create systems that can act autonomously in complex environments. While this technology offers many benefits, it raises legitimate worries about AI escaping human control. Potential risks range from purposefully malicious AI to AI whose programmed goals drift from those of its creators. And unlike UFOs, AI development is accelerating rapidly in both the public and private sectors. Unchecked, cutting-edge AI research could create artificial superintelligences whose motives and aims exceed human capabilities. And AI systems are likely to be developed and implemented faster than protocols and safeguards can be put in place globally. In the end, both unknowns deserve serious evaluation. But while UFOs remain shrouded in secrecy, AI research can be monitored and guided to reduce dangers. UFO encounters may be infrequent, but AI will undeniably transform our society. AI seems more immediately pressing for a threat we can predict and prepare for. Yet until we unravel the mysteries behind UFO sightings and capabilities, we cannot rule them out as a potentially more significant hazard. The wise path is thus to pursue an understanding of both phenomena while safeguarding humanity against any existential threats they may pose. Vigilance, caution, and willingness to adapt our frameworks and policies as we learn more are required. We ignore either AI or UFOs at our possible peril.

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8 replies

1 month ago

We want to make this VERY clear, and congress you better be listening: AI could be potentially extremely dangerous... more than anything in existence currently on Earth. In nature, but also in its ability to cause great disparities. With that being said, we expect that you will regulate AI so that no company is allowed to use it to replace workers or job roles, and no company can create weapons of destruction using AI. banning it will not be needed, but the regulations on the technology and companies that use it must be VERY STRICT in the previously regarded mentions. We are dead serious about this.

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2 replies

1 month ago

copying anyone's voice, or image should be illegal . . . you own your voice, you own your body. People using software to steal singers / actors / anyone's voice or image should be arrested and charged with felony fraud. Now technology can duplicate ANYONE - laws need to protect REAL People.


1 month ago (edited)

1:10:39 They dont know that Spotify shows songs based on your watch history liked songs and music taste. if she only listens to country music made by men she is indeed going to have a hard time especially when she doesn't know the name of female country singer as she could have just placed there name in the search bar.



1 reply

1 month ago

This is still a hearing about NHI


1 month ago

Why should we believe government will do anything! Everyone is either threatened including children and families.



1 reply

1 month ago (edited)

Lol 1:08:30 she wants to pretend to be safe while actually not doing anything seems like most people are up there for show and don't actually care what happens as long as their box gets checked



1 reply

3 weeks ago

god, some of the senators were so dense and insufferable.


3 weeks ago

They are trying to prevent the Age of Ultron, Skynet, and I-Robot.


2 weeks ago

feels like mr Hawley is way less competent than he tries to seem


1 month ago




1 month ago

Ai controlled by companies i think we won't have to worry about a super intelligent ai will be stronger than any company


1 reply

1 month ago (edited)

Your missing the best one to come. UAP UFO from pilots in congress today



1 month ago

There laying in there cots on floor for months know Why not a locked form at the hospital


1 month ago

"They have to understand how these systems work". Else they get put out of business. Lol. What happens when ai is smarter than humans? These professors aren't very intelligent...


1 reply

1 month ago

superai running mate influencers intelligence


1 month ago



1 month ago

I agree with regulating data but i also think people should be able to say hey i would like the ai to use my data remember this is a free country there are people afraid of ai and there are some that are not i don't think purely catering to the scared is the best action i think this technology will improve everybody's lives and i don't want people to forget that



1 reply

1 month ago

This is pointless. Its like one person discovers fire, and tells others you cannot have fire too, but also should not try to... Just stupid


1 reply

1 month ago

check bittensor


2 replies

1 month ago

JOHN 14 : 6



1 reply

1 month ago

So help you god? Why not Allah or Odin? The mighty prophet Zarquan? Which country are we in?


1 reply

1 month ago

Making money is action. keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge. I'm excited I started earning upto 15thousand dollars extra income<<<



11 replies

1 month ago

Please stop this AI Nonsense.. The experts are saying SHUT IT DOWN.



9 replies

1 month ago

Shut it down !



2 replies

1 month ago

Mr. Blumenthal wants to develop countermeasures to fight against UFOs. This guy must be from West Virginia, because that’s about as dumb of a comment as you can imagine.


1 month ago

UFOs are real omg.