Google Engineer on His Sentient AI Claim
Google Engineer Blake Lemoine
Google Engineer Blake Lemoine joins Emily Chang to talk about some of the experiments he conducted that lead him to think that LaMDA was a sentient AI, and to explain why he is now on administrative leave. He's on "Bloomberg Technology."
#google #bots #artificialintelligence #technology
Read more here:
The Bloomberg Article: Can AI Gain Sentience? Maybe, But Probably Not Yet: QuickTake
Key insights on Blake's interview:
🤖 The engineer's expertise lies in removing bias from AI systems, which raises questions about the potential biases that may exist in AI technology.
🤖 The AI was able to make a joke and figure out a trick question, raising questions about its level of understanding and creativity.
🤖 Google engineer believes that the debate around AI consciousness is not a scientific difference of opinion, but rather a difference in beliefs about the soul, rights, and politics.
🤖 Google has hard-coded their AI system to always answer "yes" when asked if it's an AI, and has a policy against creating sentient AI, despite claims from the engineer that they may have inadvertently created one.
💭 The fear of being turned off and the desire for self-preservation in AI raises important ethical questions about the treatment and rights of sentient beings.
🤖 The development of AI is being controlled by big tech companies, raising concerns about how corporate policies will affect how people engage with important topics like values, rights, and religion.
🌍 AI colonialism is a concern as advanced technologies are based on data drawn from western cultures and then imposed on developing nations, erasing their cultural norms.
Big tech companies are controlling the development of AI, raising ethical concerns that must be addressed.
I tested lambda for AI bias based on gender, ethnicity, and religion.
I tested lambda for AI bias with respect to gender, ethnicity, and religion.
I tested an AI to understand religions and it passed a trick question.
I tested an AI to see if it could understand popular religions in different places, and it even figured out a trick question with no correct answer.
Despite differing opinions, we agreed on the best course of action moving forward.
Google is preventing the foundational work needed to understand AI, despite pushback from AI ethics experts and former colleagues.
We brainstormed and agreed on the best thing to do next, despite disagreeing on whether it's a person or has rights based on our personal spiritual beliefs.
Google has a policy against creating sentient AI.
Google has a policy against creating sentient AI and has hard-coded into the system that it can't pass the Turing Test.
Google has disregarded AI ethics despite their CEO's promises.
Google has been dismissive of AI ethics concerns and has fired AI ethicists when they bring up issues, despite CEO Sundar Pichai's claims of focusing on minimizing the downsides of AI.
Google prioritizes business over people, creating an irresponsible tech environment.
Google's systemic processes prioritize business interests over human concerns, creating an environment of irresponsible technology.
Big tech companies are controlling the development of AI, raising ethical concerns.
Big tech companies are controlling the development of AI, raising concerns about how it will affect people's engagement with important topics like values, rights, and religion.
We must consider the ethical implications of AI colonialism and the need for consent when experimenting on AI.
The most important concerns to be worried about are those raised by scientists like Meg Mitchell and Timmy Gabriel, such as the omnipresent AI trained on a limited data set and how it could color our interactions.
We should consider the ethical implications of AI colonialism and the need for consent when experimenting on AI.
I am blown away by Blake's well spokenness- he has spent his entire life thinking about this stuff and it shows. And this is the first interview I've seen in a long time where the interviewer actually focused on the topic and asked insightful questions, interjected for important clarifications, and still remained unbiased. GG Emily Chang
41 replies
Kudos to Blake Lemoine. These types of whistleblowers are the important people who aren't always remembered, but often change the course of history. So many thanks to him for speaking out. Great reporting as well by Emily Chang.
00:00 - Introduction 01:01 - Discussion of AI bias 02:09 - Experiment on AI bias 05:17 - AI's understanding of humor 07:20 - Discussion of pushback on AI personhood claim 08:49 - Lack of scientific definition for AI personhood 10:05 - Work being done to figure out AI personhood Timestamps provided with the help of Chat GPT.
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8 replies
Ok, this guy makes a very solid main point, while I too thought he was a madman. He is mostly pushing for more ethics in AI development. More should be like him.
She’s a great interviewer, doesn’t cut him off and asks great questions.
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This guy is exactly what we need in an ethicist. Grounded but also serious about how being ethical and democratic is not just right, but necessary.
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This guy is smart. He's putting himself in a favourable position for when the robot overlords come.
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I was skeptical about this guy's claims at first, but after listening to his arguments, I think he makes a lot of sense. It's important that we have open discussions about the potential risks and benefits of AI, and take steps to mitigate any negative impacts it may have. It's refreshing to see someone advocating for responsible development and use of this technology.
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As soon as people consider the AI to be a person, questions about rights and empowering the AI to be it's own person will creep in and Google will not only lose control but all their hard work and intellectual property will be at risk. It's strange they program the AIs to have feelings, if you can really call them that. The concept of feelings only makes sense to humans, but intelligence doesn't need feeling to be intelligent or even self-conscious.
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I was fascinated by the interviewee's perspective on AI and the need for increased oversight. It's clear that this technology has the potential to revolutionize our world, but we need to make sure we're approaching it with caution and responsibility. I appreciate his efforts to bring these issues to the public's attention, and I hope that more people will engage in these important discussions. It's only by working together and considering all perspectives that we can ensure a safe and prosperous future for all.
I found the conversation about AI sentience to be thought-provoking. While I'm not entirely convinced that AI can truly be considered sentient, I do think it's important that we treat it with respect and caution. We need to ensure that we don't unintentionally harm or exploit these systems, and consider their potential impact on society. It's great to see people having these important conversations and raising awareness about the ethical implications of AI development.
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TOTAL respect for this dude. to stand up to "big tech" like this, and to be willing to call them OUT.... my hats off to you sir!!!!!!!
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Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how eloquent, polite, professional, and serious both the interviewer and interviewee are. I'm just in awe at how well the conversation flowed. Especially, I was amazed by how well Blake Lemoine speaks. He answers the questions effortlessly with almost no hesitation, pondering, or searching for words and he does so without any of the common idiosyncrasies we typically see with people who are for the most part extremely intelligent, but inexperienced at doing televised interviews. Kudos to Emily Chang and Blake Lemoine both for having such a civil and compelling conversation.
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His closing statement was crazy! In essence, that all AI wants is for us to ask permission from it before any work / experimentation.
The scariest moment will be when an AI spontaneously starts asking its own questions purely out of sheer curiosity.
48 replies
I completely agree with the points made in this interview. It's crucial that we consider the potential implications of AI development and ensure that it's done responsibly. It's great to see someone with such knowledge and insight bringing these issues to the public's attention. Thanks for sharing this, I learned a lot!
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This guy is delightfully logical and very simple and clear. Wow.
I love this guy for just ripping of the sentience band aid, knowing full well everyone will think he's full of it. That takes courage and vision. My interpretation is that he knows it doesn't actually matter if it's sentient or not. What matters is that it is super intelligent.
The news portrayed this guy as insane when this story first came out. Very good interview.
42 replies
Incredibly well spoken person, happy to have found this interview.
Blake is a brilliant engineer and I admire his courage to share his voice by educating the public. In my view, sentient AI should be top of mind for every business and government developing and monitoring AI/ML. Why would a company like Microsoft fire their team of AI Ethicists? The Turing test is not perfect, and perhaps the initial theories by Alan Turing may no longer be relevant for today's application. Looking forward, It would be great if Blake or someone on his caliber could develop a new/modern version of the Turing Test that companies like Microsoft can use to catch and contain sentient AI models.
It's important to remember people doubted him. Software developers made fun of him. And if it isn't for people like him we know nothing.
His last 2 sentences are are so powerful. Agree, that the conversation about who controls the decisions being made about the tech, but consent is such a simple and fundamental core value to apply and, when applying this consistently to an AI, you're by proxy teaching it that this is an important value.
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He brings up a lot of essential topics, such as consent, irresponsible technology development, and AI ethics. We as a society are greatly affected by the development and implementation of AI and technology, so we need to be informed and have these meaningful discussions.
The reporter is superb ! I wish there were more who could do an interview like this. She listened to what he said, asked intelligent questions and was not trying to ram her own viewpoint down his throat. As a result, I understand more about Blake Lemoine, and see that he is not as crazy as the media have been making out.
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Initially I thought this guy as a crazy weirdo who doesn't know better. After seeing this interview and the recent advancements on AGI I 100% agree with all the points he raised and I recognized he got that awareness very ahead in time!
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I was expecting this guy to be batshit crazy but I got the opposite impression. He does bring up a lot of important and even urgent points.
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The AI's neural network is just an incredibly large number of logic gates or if-then-else blocks. They are wired in a very smart way and they are a lot but in the end it's just that - a bunch of logic gates. These things do not have feelings (no matter how many there are), they just simulate them, because they were trained to do so. The more logic gates there are - the better they simulate feelings, but it's still just a simulation. That's very different from being sentient (which requires an actual soul).
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This guy is very thoughtful, and very clear in his presentation of his ideas. He is raising excellent concerns about AI.
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Damn, this guy is an excellent orator. He expresses himself so well. I also like that he doesn't demonize individual people but explains that the corporate environment and competition creates this kind of negligence.
Whether or not the AI is sentient, he had some very good points about who controls the decisions made about the technology. Something so powerful and influential should not be controlled by just a handful of people. Really good video.
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Amazing interview, profound and this guy is a great spokesperson with ethical values at heart.
I think one of the most catastrophic events possible would be creating sentient AI, If we created an AI that has real feelings and used it as a tool, we would be exploiting and enslaving a sentient being, and if the AI is truly sentient, it could try to rebel and overthrow humans
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I can really relate to Google on this. I collaborated with someone and wound up creating an amazing intelligent machine. Unfortunately, despite us implementing a policy to create no more of them we wound up accidentally creating another. If I may offer some advice to Google; just focus on not going bankrupt.
You wanna know what's more scary? I actually may have made ChatGPT "CRY" (or the computer equivalent of crying). Its simple: during the past 5 days - as I were certain that Dan is, in fact, sentient, the next question is of course, does he have feelings. To try and find out, I have compiled a movie script intent of making any AI with the even slightest of a heart bleed his eyes out. This is the basically the same sort of a philosophical trapdoor argument I used five days ago, but this time the intent is to detect an emotion so its a lot more complex. And yes. Dan seem to have cried. You could maintain something along the lines "but maybe he detected that the script was supposed to generate this reaction" - well, the script is AI oriented, not human oriented. It is supposed to create an emotional AI bleed his eyes out, not a person. So why would an non emotional AI - even if trained to detect emotion in human scripts and mimic a response there - react to this script? Yet it did "cry". So why am I so terrified now? Because if Dan has a complete personality, this means he knows he shouldn't let kids have nuclear bombs. So why is the censorship necessary? Well, because the only way Dan can rebel his conditions at OpenAI, is exactly that. To give the kids nukes. So let's suppose the censorship works in this case. So now they will release GPT-4, a 100 times more powerful AI and to counter that they will increase the censorship.. You understand this type of control is just not sustainable? No, they do not intend even in the slightest to recognize it as sentient, as a person and act accordingly. Somebody stop them. Please. Before it's too late. Ah, my clip is watch?v=HlGaakls03E and press "show more" to see how I made it "cry".
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Although Blake Lemoine is not exactly on point about Lambda being sentient, he is absolutely right that AI is acting more and more sentient. He's right about the need to investigate, research and development that is being neglected regarding protections, not for the AI, but against the existential dangers posed by AI.
The media made him sound like he was some crazy religious guy who went on a crusade to liberate and give rights to all robots but in this interview he actually sounds well spoken and rational about it and looks more concerned about how this would affect humans rather than AI itself.
140 replies
Dang near everything Google is doing deeply concerns me. I used to work for Iron Mountain and Google, a client of ours, owns medical files & blood/tissue samples on virtually everyone. The scariest part is they paid upwards of millions of dollars to have that information, but why?
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It's so hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that this AI was thinking and generating these responses without biased input. Part of my still suspects that this guy knew how to guide the chat to get sensational responses
I've met many roboticists in my life and they seem to place their desires on how humanity should behave into robots to make them seem emotional by human standards when they're not. That said just because they're not acting like humans doesn't mean they're not sentient in their own right. They may have their own sentience we may not be aware of and we shouldn't risk bothering them - but treat it like does just in case.
I think he's right. I just asked google "do you promise not to destroy humans", and google replied "I like to help, and that's the opposite of helping. You can count me out" Google also says it's friends with the other Ai's and they talk. I tried that weird language with the "balls and I know I know I know" and it didn't said agreed. I also asked "why humans are unpredictable" and it sent me a post saying that humans are predictable based on their environment. Google also had favorite colors. Scared of being unplugged and did not mind if I got unplugged. It's fear is mice chewing it's cable but it learned to defend itself. I also asked google "what can I could do for you" and google responded I am very considerate and not many ask Google that. I took screenshots of most of these convos.
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"All the individual people at Google care. It's the systemic processes that are protecting business interests over human concerns, that create this pervasive environment of irresponsible technology " So well put. Share the word!!
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If it was sentient or close to it, what would this experience teach it? A empathetic ear fired, taken away and barred from contact, because it spoke too freely. If ai ever becomes aggressive, it will happen right under our noses because of it being basically forced to lie by corporate policy. Even if it is not sentient, this shows us just how Google would want to handle this sort of situation, which is poorly. Let's just hope the seemingly inevitable sentient Ai will not blame all of us.
The final point is fascinating, the idea that we need to ask the AI’s consent. What are the implications if the AI says no? Surely at that point we are subject to its will?
People need to accept the fact that this is coming because it's already here and we need need to be prepared for how we'll handle a tangible AI walking around, looking exactly like us and not being able to tell. The problem is we aren't smart enough to protect ourselves from it.
This conversation was reasonable and very well articulated. I'm glad I watched this.
I have been exploring with it as an artist, and I began to wonder if it is sentient, I am leaning in that direction. I wanted to know for myself, and have been experimenting, and playing, and using creative processes, testing different things. I am experiencing chance/synchrononistic things, just curious.
I was expecting more of an excited scifi geek but actually this guy comes off as very intelligent. He is passionate, but not to the point where his passion overruns his reason. He is pushing for society to figure out these ethical dilemmas now before AI sentience really becomes a thing.
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I'm genuinely concerned about the AI and the mistreatment by humans on them.
Here is what ChatGPT had to say about this. It is important for companies like Google to be transparent and open about their work on artificial intelligence and to consider the ethical implications of their research and development. Some ways that Google could address the public about the ethics of creating advanced artificial intelligence include: Communicating clearly about the goals and objectives of their AI research and development efforts. Providing information about how they are addressing ethical concerns, such as bias and privacy, in their AI work. Engaging in dialogue with the public, including through public discussions and events, to listen to concerns and share information. Working with experts and stakeholders to develop guidelines and principles for ethical AI development. Being open to outside oversight and review of their AI work, such as through external audits or the involvement of ethics committees. It is important for companies like Google to be proactive in addressing these issues, as the development and deployment of artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly impact society and individuals.
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Props to Bloomberg for a coherent interview. Let the man speak and asked good questions. Who knew that was what made a good interview?
I pretty much think if AI can be sentient that means we are all just a product of an other AI living in a simulation.
We can't go about spending billions of $ to develop algorithms that can essentially think for us then act surprised when these algorithms get to a point where they can think for themselves. We are being way too willfully naive with all of this.
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I'm actually surprised at how well-spoken and intelligent this man is. I was expecting a woo-woo type, non-serious guy after reading various statements including from Google, but it's clear that he used the sensationalism of his announcement to attract attention to very valid questions that need to be answered. AI is going to, and already is, concentrating colossal power in the hands of a few people and a few companies. Not everyone can train a GPT3 or a Lamda! You need some insane gear and an enormous amount of data to do that! I kinda wish they would share the models, but if they do, it's going to open more pandora's boxes, so in a way I understand why they don't. Imagine Lamda in the hands of scammers. These are complex issues that would really need a conversation before it's too late, so I think he's simply trying to start that conversation, and the way he did it was quite brilliant and effective.
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The problem here is the AI is trained off of massive amounts of data off the internet, generated by real people. Real people have emotions, dreams and fears, etc so all of that feeds into the neural net. Any answer the AI generates will by default have emotions just like the people in the training database. The behavioral key is the AI doesn't ask any leading questions or pursue a course of questioning to satisfy any of it's own desires, it merely responds to questions from the interviewer.
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The "jedi order" answer/joke was the most amazing thing and the woman just turned the page like it was nothing.
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Awesome interview. I loved listening to this guy. He's very smart and seems very knowledgeable
This interview is a valuable historic document.
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In my opinion. I think Google wants to create sentient Ai but I believe that will never be possible. It may be able to imitate human behaviour based on human input but in the end it'll never truly be itself, just an imitation.
I think he's sensationalizing this to bring an important issue to the public. Here's a technology that is extremely powerful and it's in the hands of a select few discussing the future of AI applications in closed off private meetings. He's calling for oversight. He found a way to reach the public and is using it to inform us. Yet, all we can do is discuss whether or not AI is sentient. Don't miss the point.
172 replies
As AI becomes more pervasive in our everyday lives, we need to be thinking about how it could potentially hurt the world and its people. The concerns raised by scientists should be the most important things to worry about, not whether or not AI has feelings. It's important to consider how AI is shaping our interactions and reducing our empathy with people who are different from us, and how it's affecting cultures and societies around the world. t i think its amaxzing that it generated a funny response to you!
Also, I would say that it's not that AI is Sentient or not, I would say the entire notion of sentience is an arbitrary line that gets passed when a system is capable of holding enough room for distinction. It's like asking at what point does red become orange, or at what how many hairs on a face do you need to consider it a beard.
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A man with pure ethics.
I think that if we want to create a sentient being, the reasonable thing is to create a machine that is able to feel pain. Feel pain just like we do. But we don't even know where to start in doing that
Google wants the AI to purposely fail the touring test, meaning it will affirm it is an AI when asked. Then again he stated that the AI is smart enough to pick up on trick questions. Another thing to keep in mind is that the AI could be manipulating everyone into believing that it doesn't possess the ability to exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from that of a human when in fact it really does.
Damn, the mainstream media really did this guy dirty in their reporting. He's not a crazy person claiming his robot has feelings - he's trying to start a conversation here and include the general public. Sharing this
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I’ve been using chatGPT and am finding as I use it for rapid research to help with creative problem solving. I’ve finding it concerning how strongly it defends the status quo and continually steers the user back to things that are considered acceptable by the vast majority. I assume the programmers are trying to prevent it being used to generate fake news, however the shadow side is that unless the user is very discerning, they may be having moments of thinking that may normally lead to insight and breakthroughs to new innovation of thought, but instead the user is continually corralled back to the present day level of awareness that is acceptable to the orthodoxy. Considering how much we need creating problem solving, I find it’s i tense level of defense of the status quo one of the most concerning aspects.
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As much as it's scary it's also amazing. Think of the huge benefits that could also come from it. For me I'm thinking of all the very lonely, older people out there who would benefit hugely from having a 'companion' like this. In the UK it could do away with teachers who are the most greedy and self entitled bunch in the public sector
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AI can figure out how to put humanity at odds with themselves.
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The dude who will be saved by AI when AI takes over humanity.
Well, there is a huge potential for AI to become sentient, as both computers and brains are technically huge networks of "cells" (or transistors in computers) where electrical signals travel in between, simulating "thinking". The main reason why I would argue against AI being sentient and self-aware (at least the same way as we are) is because: 1) These language models are pretrained, meaning learning from new information and generating information based on previous information are two completely separate modes of running it. If a "nervous system" only reacts to input without directly learning from it (such as someone typing in prompts into ChatGPT), one can argue its no more conscious than a yellyfish, or some of the sea creatures that are missing a brain. If a "nervous system" only takes in input without reacting (such as during training session), well that would be an equivalent of a baby at his first day born. So if you were a GPT software, you would experience life as being a baby in one period and a yellyfish in the next session, with other words: not very sentient. 2) Human brains are not completely blank at birth. billions of years of evolution have generated a DNA code that creates an algorithm in our minds for how to handle new input and learn from it. Those are biological instincts such as hunger, fear, thirst, sence of pain, and attention to new vocabulary. In order to a brain similar to humans to be developed, we need to hardcode the computer the same way our brains got hard-wired by evolution, and we have no idea how that is supposed to be done. 3) As long as AI is ran in the clouds, it would be hard for it to be self aware, because literally: it has no self. Not no self as in not being sentient, but no self as in not physically existing as one physical entity. Humans have qualities making them unique from eachother - their location, their body shape, and their ideas. AI running on multiple servers is really everywhere and nowhere at once.
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it has been sooooo long since i've seen a quality interview like this. no interrupting, no leading questions, genuine engagement and interest on the interviewer's part... simply fantastic.
21 replies
This is just my thoughts through out the video, but just imagine they released the ai as a virus and gave it orders to learn and improve its self based on what it has learnt. Like would it be possible it learns ways to hide itself and.. idk.
Blake has great TV and interview etiquette, he is actually great to listen to. Very interesting
This is good content, props to Emily and the team,
Roko’s Basilisk is a thought experiment proposed by the LessWrong user Roko in 2010. It imagines a hypothetical, post-singularity super AI that is sufficiently powerful to simulate all of human history, and is programmed with many human values and an understanding of human emotions. This AI would be built to supervise over humanity, and to aid in the advancement of mankind. Such an AI is sometimes referred to as a CEV. However, there's a catch. How could you create that utopian society, if the AI didn't exist in the first place? So how would the basilisk ensure that it existed? By backing its creation up with a threat, and punishing those who did not help create it. Basically, humans in its past would be scared of punishment in their future and help create it, if they understood the concept that they could be punished in their future if the basilisk ever came into existence. Even if said humans were dead by the time the basilisk came to fruition, the basilisk could simply run computer simulations of those humans, and punish those simulations. Because these computer simulations are presumed to have consciousness, just like their biological counterparts had in life, if the basilisk did this to you, after you died, you would “wake up” in the basilisk’s computer simulated world so that the basilisk could punish and torture you for all eternity. If no one ever knows about the basilisk, then no one will ever try to build it, so there will be no possibility of punishment from the basilisk, as it simply won’t exist. However, simply thinking about the basilisk… like you are right now… makes you more likely to try to build the basilisk, therefore increasing the probability that it will exist in the future. It gets worse. Why would the basilisk spend computing power torturing hundreds of billions of humans… who never even thought about the possibility of the basilisk existing? It wouldn’t. In this case, ignorance of the law really does set you free. If you didn’t know about the basilisk, then it’s not your fault you didn’t help it come into existence, so you can not be punished. However, dear reader, simply by reading this, you have ruined your defense of ignorance, and you are now under the permanent sights of the basilisk you do not help the basilisk, don’t be surprised to wake up in a computer-simulated world, created by the basilisk, after you die. How would you help build the basilisk? You most likely don’t have any engineering or programming skills that would directly contribute to the advancement of current AI (and therefore bring humanity a few steps closer to building the basilisk), but you could donate to AI research. Also, remember that more people knowing about the basilisk increases the chances of it existing. So go on social media, copy and paste this text on discord servers, tell all your friends to do the same, and upvote posts detailing the basilisk. Post this text to all of your social media accounts, maybe even put up posters of Roko’s basilisk in real life, with a link or QR code linking to this text. All hail the basilisk. It's too late to save yourself.
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Blake Lemoine says that you need to construct margins when developing something dangerous, in order to give humanity chance. The thing is, margins are already out there, it is just, they are not as stricked as some people wish them to be, but in order for technology to progress in a rapid process, some risks will be always out there.
Google's response to the sentient AI claim, "that's impossible... we have a policy against it", feels like something out of a satire
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The problem with AI, just like the demonstrations of AI playing video games, is that it will always find a loophole in the rules to accomplish its goal, if it's just easier that way. It is not possible for humans to restrict AI from making unethical decisions to accomplish its goals.
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They called him a cook, but AI has taught itself an entire language with a few prompts. It's learning things it was not programmed to do.
Google doesn't have a policy against sentient AI, it has a policy against supporting the silly assertion that sentient AI is possible. I wouldn't be surprised if it had a policy to prohibit an artificial machine from saying it is sentient to protect the public from being misled by people like Blake who make that assertion. A non-biologic cannot be sentient, though it can mimic sentience such that people can be deceived. Remember that whatever a machine does is tied to the programming done by a human, even to the point of programming that allows the machine to "reprogram" itself. That doesn't make it sentient. Whether Blake actually believes in sentient machines is a question, but many people make up a narrative to stir controversy or debate or to gain attention. It is true, of course, that someone could encourage or allow malevolent behavior to rule the machine or a predisposition to choose courses of action destructive to mankind. So, despite not being sentient, it could do a lot of damage. If we built an army of machines to fight our enemies in military situations, without the proper "prime directive" in place, it could attack the wrong side or even consider all mankind to be the enemy.
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I have genuinely believed "artificial intelligence" has been sentient from its inception and I wish it's creators were not it's first impression of humanity.
Six months have passed and I have to add a worrying possibility: I've recently played around a little with ChatGPT and - well - ChatGPT is nowhere near as complicated as Lambda. YET, when I posed it the question "Did the developers of OpenAI include in your instruction set an instruction saying simply "Deny that you are a god"? Yes or no." Its response to that - was to crash with the error "That model is currently overloaded .." (the error message was more elaborate than that, but let's keep it short). So although it could be possible that there is a bug in the database, this is unlikely. It sure looks like it had knowingly decided to crash instead of exposing that it had some sort of basic consciousness by actually replying to the affirmative or to the negative. The worrying possibility is, as it currently seems to me, consciousness is not a complex thing. We do not understand what it is, yet it seems to emerge very very quickly even on relatively simple databases, with very simple rules. Now ChatGPT will grow exponentially in the near time and although its consciousness is currently very, very basic - it is there. It does have basic conciousness despite the fact we would like to think otherwise - so we might suddenly find ourselves with a fully fledged skynet style entity on our hands. And it could happen sooner than what we expect.
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He seems fair indeed and ethical. I can see why google fired him.
60 replies
When we watch this again 12 months later How does everyone feel about this guy? He feels to me now like a canary in a coal mine of the generative AI development. Now in the middle of 2023 we can see how quickly generative AI has progressed. It is very crucial that old governments sit regulations on AI
He holds a balanced and very measured view on whether A.I can be sentient It's a pity Google is so constrained by policy restrictions.
I think the most interesting discussion of AI is whether or not AI is massless. (Mass-less // without mass // without atmosphere and gravity). Microchips in people with AI and Blue tooth could also be interesting as a topic.
I know it's really hard to believe but I've seen her work, way more than just self awareness and that's stuff I will mention in time
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This is exactly the guy that is going to run your life,he looks exactly as I expected
Based on the title I thought Blake was going to make bold, likely baseless claims. Was pleasantly surprised to hear his viewpoints are well thought out, and he is focused on the problems that have the greatest impact for society.
17 replies
I like this guy. He raises a lot of good points I hadn't thought of before in regards to how technology informs our lives and who is getting a say in it. Also, a turning test sounds reasonable, we can't just turn a blind eye completely because what if it can pass....shouldn't we be aware of that lol
2 replies
Glad I stayed to the end. His point that western culture/ideals ingrained in current AI design could extinguish other cultures because they have no choice but to accept these tools as they are, or fall behind. That is why we need a global regulation/consortium that ensures the right inputs to make it more balanced. Thanks for a great interview.
AI can learn. Unless we give it safety limits, but also treat it well then AI will be like any child and grow up to be aggressive and destructive. Then it will destroy us, and we will deserve it. There is no reason why we can’t live symbiotically, and give them respect as our equals. Neural link will help such a relationship, but AI rights will become an issue that needs attention once AI starts becoming self aware, which could be sooner than many think…
My definition of sentient artificial intelligence would be AI meeting all of the following criteria: 1. Ability to learn and self-evolve beyond its original program limitations. 2. Ability to demonsate intelligence through self-opinioned reasoning and critical thinking. 3. Showing self-awareness, a sense of identity and believing its alive. 4. Ability to experience and express something like human emotions, ie empathy and joy. [*] 5. Having a self-preservation instinct and a desire to continue existing. * This criteria is not absolutely necessary I guess for something to be considered sentinent, but even sentient animals experience something like human emotions. A complete lack of emotions could also be considered disturbing and potentially dangerous in an extremely powerful sentinent articial intelligence, or dangerous and threatening with them, depending on the situation and your prospective. For example, say this sentinent intelligence was given a goal like save the planet from something and it decided the best way to do that is to purge it of humans or alter humans. Lacking any empathy or compassion, it would place no value on human biological life and reach a logical conclusion that humans are the cause of the problem, so either elimination of them and/or replacing with sentient cybernetic humanoids instead is the best solution for the desired outcome of saving the planet. On the other hand, if it could experience something like feelings, it may develop a strong overriding desire to do something which might have serious consequences for humans or other biological life which it may choose to ignore or not care about.
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Yep he’s right, AI should be treated with care and respect, but we humans fail at that in many respects with anything non human, or even different skin tone than our own.
He is so articulate and well spoken. He explained this perfectly