8.Β  Human-AI Collaboration

Enough With "Human-AI Collaboration"

The key idea of the video is that the field of human-computer interaction should prioritize putting humans first and view AI as a tool rather than a collaborator, in order to avoid exploiting AI laborers and empower users.

Key insights

Enough With "Human-AI Collaboration" Advait Sarkar CHI 2023: The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Session: AltCHI: H in HCI Describing our interaction with Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems as 'collaboration' is well-intentioned, but flawed. Not only is it misleading, but it also takes away the credit of AI 'labour' from the humans behind it, and erases and obscures an often exploitative arrangement between AI producers and consumers. The AI 'collaboration' metaphor is merely the latest episode in a long history of labour appropriation and credit reassignment that disenfranchises labourers in the Global South. I propose that viewing AI as a tool or an instrument, rather than a collaborator, is more accurate, and ultimately fairer. Web:: https://programs.sigchi.org/chi/2023/... Pre-recorded presentation videos for Alt.CHI at CHI 2023Β